Analisis Lingkungan Belajar Abad 21 di SDN Bendungan Semarang

Ghina Amalia Dewi


This research analyzes the actual learning environment and focuses on whether it suits the nature of the times. This research looks at learning practices and learning environments in classrooms and school environments. The aim of this research is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the learning environment at Bendungan Semarang Elementary School with a focus on aspects related to the development of 21st century education. The author hopes that this research can provide positive suggestions for efforts to improve the quality of school education. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods. The findings of this research are 1) physical facilities are very adequate, 2) the curriculum focuses more on knowledge transfer than skills development, and 3) the average delivery of learning is lecture-based. 4) Positive Recommendations: Regular teacher training is needed to ensure the effectiveness of implementing 21st century education. This includes training in the use of technology, the introduction of innovative teaching methods, and the development of 21st century skills.


Lingkungan; Belajar; Abad 21

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