Soil Erodibility in Post Coal Mining Land Reclamation Area in Backfilling Mtbu Air Laya Tambang (TAL) PT. Bukit Asam Tbk, Tanjung Enim Mining Unit (UPTE) Muara Enim, South Sumatera
Reclamation activities will be realized and practical, with necessary to carry out for knowing level soil erodibility, for knowing influence erodibility and can minimize the risk of inhibiting vegetation growth. An Erosion Study is crucial in the mining area, particularly in the ex-mining area, which will be revegetated, because it will affect vegetation growth. Therefore trusted necessary protection good soil mechanically, vegetatively also chemical so that soil sustainability & soil productivity permanent awake. The survey method obtains field data using observation and systematic recording of the phenomena being investigated. At the same time, the analytical method used on the data obtained is through a study of several theoretical foundations and theoretical calculations on the supporting parameters of the object and research subject. Physical properties of the soil in the reclamation of ex-mining land show a moderate value of soil erodibility is 0.29. The moderate erodibility value indicates that the soil in the area is susceptible to erosion caused by rainwater. The impact is a Loss of a layer of soil that is relatively rich in nutrients and organic matter, and Land productivity declines or even cannot be used for production. A moderate erodibility value indicates that the soil in the area is susceptible to erosion caused by rainwater. Things that can minimize this impact are to improve the condition of the chemical properties of the soil so that vegetation can grow well, and further studies are carried out on efforts to control erosion.
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