H2O2-Modified Geopolymers as Integrated Adsorbent-Catalysts for FFA Removal and Biodiesel Production from Crude Palm Oil

Nelly Wahyuni, Thamrin Usman, M. Ilham Ramadhan, Ismail Astar


This study investigated hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂)-modified geopolymers as integrated adsorbent catalysts for biodiesel production from crude palm oil (CPO). Geopolymers were synthesized using metakaolin and modified with varying H₂O₂ concentrations (0-30 wt%). Material characterization through XRD, FTIR, XRF, and BET analysis showed that H₂O₂ modification enhanced porosity and surface area, with modified samples showing a 13-fold increase in specific surface area (9.7068 m²/g) compared to unmodified geopolymer (0.7312 m²/g). The optimal H₂O₂-modified geopolymer (Gpm-3) demonstrated superior performance in separated and combined processes. The separated process achieved 85.38% FFA removal efficiency and 100% biodiesel yield. The combined single-step process maintained impressive performance with 55% FFA removal and 96.47% biodiesel yield. These results highlight the potential of H₂O₂-modified geopolymers as cost-effective, sustainable materials for integrated FFA removal and biodiesel production from CPO.


Adsorption; Biodiesel production; Crude palm oil; H₂O₂-modified geopolymer; Integrated adsorbent-catalyst

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijost.v10i1.80968


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