The Kokoh journal is a civil engineering journal which is published twice a year, namely in January and July.
eISSN 2828-5778 pISSN 1412-050X
The Kokoh journal are journals that contain manuscripts of research results and results of analytical studies in the fields of building construction, road and bridge transportation, water resource development and construction management that have not been published in other journals. Articles published in this journal are addressed to the editor's office. Complete information for article loading and article writing instructions are available in each issue. Incoming articles will go through a selection process for bestari partners or editors.

Vol 23, No 1 (2025): Januari 2025
Table of Contents
M Ishan Umahuk, Christy Gery Buyang, Imran Oppier
Zafira Jovita Bayuyudo, Hilda Febriyani Pratiwi, Istiqomah Istiqomah
Roski Apriliani, Budi Kudwadi, Ben Novarro Batubara
Salwa salsabila, Devi Setiawan
Muhammad Satria Yudiawan, Raflis Raflis