Teaching Literacy in First-Grade of Primary School During COVID-19 Pandemic

Mehmet Bozan, Hüseyin Anılan


Along with the COVID-19 pandemic, a new era had to be passed in education. The education process in Turkey has been maintained entirely or partially in the form of remote or distance education, or partly face-to-face since the outbreak in the process of being face-to-face education opportunities. This research seeks to examine in-depth how literacy teaching in the first grade, one of the essential processes of primary school education, took place during the pandemic. The research applied a case study, one of the qualitative research methods. In addition, the participants in this research were determined based on criterion sampling. The data were collected using semi-structured interviews with teachers and parents of students and the observations made by one of the researchers in online lessons. The data obtained were analyzed through content analysis. The findings are presented under the themes of "the teaching process, the stakeholders, and the factors that make the teaching process difficult". The conclusion reveals that the pandemic negatively affected the literacy teaching process, as well as every field. In other words, teachers could not get enough support from parents and MoNE so that teachers and parents were anxious.


COVİD-19; first grade; primary school; reading; writing

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53400/mimbar-sd.v9i1.38914


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