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In 2006 Curriculum, Elementary School, teaching literature is intended to improve students' ability to appreciate literature. Appreciate literary activities related to sharpen drills feeling, reasoning, imagination, and sensitivity to society, culture and the environment. Development ability in elementary school compose done in various types and forms through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. But in Curriculum 2013, compose activities, lack a good portion. Though the curriculum approach suggests the emphasis on the development of attitudes and manners, which of course literature as rich material to be used as the foundation of personality and character hone given literature containing personal values and outstanding educational value. The results of the analysis on the Basic Competence Permendikbud No. 57 Year 2014, in class I no text stories themselves, class II narrative and lyric poetry, in class III fairy tale, in the fourth grade adventure stories and rhymes and poems, in class V, historical fiction, it certainly affect the contents of the Teacher and Student book, which turned out to be covered in the literature showing the contents of the book inadequate ( very weak), because the contents of the Teacher and Student books, derived from the Basic Competence already mapped thematic integrative.

Keywords: children's literature, literary learning, curriculum 2013.

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