The Integration of Games and Physical Activities to Stimulate Cognitive Abilities of Elementary School Students
This study aimed to examine the learning process by combining physical activities and games to stimulate the cognitive ability of elementary school students. The experiment was carried out using the One-Group Post-test Design. The trials involved letters games, guessing pictures, guessing names, counting kangaroos, snakes and ladders, and number adventure. The trial was carried out four times for each game for 60 minutes. The study involved 154 elementary school students, 86 boys and 66 girls. The sampling technique used the saturated sampling technique. The data collection process employed observation techniques with an assessment rubric instrument analyzed by different mean tests. The results showed that there had been an increase in the mean between the first meeting and the fourth meeting. Furthermore, the result of the t-count was greater than the t-table, and the increase was significant. In conclusion, integrative learning of physical activity combined with various forms of games effectively stimulates the cognitive aspect of elementary school students.
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