Game Based Learning in Physical Education Sport and Health Subject

Nur Ihwanto, Mashud Mashud


The purpose this article review was to examine and analyze suitable learning methods for students aged 6 to 12 years in Elementary School to improve their learning outcomes in learning Physical Education Sports and Health subjects. The reviewed articles were selected from Google Scholar database published in the last 10 years. The research question and journal search employed PICO method, while the PRISMA flow chart was used to identify articles through data filtering and extraction process. Of 113 downloaded articles, the remaining 12 articles were the final results passing the screening and extraction process. The articles were then analyzed for discussion. Learning Physical Education Sports and Health using game-based method is compatible with the character of students aged 6 to 12 years in Elementary School level and has succeeded in improving student learning outcomes and increasing their motivation to participate in learning.


learning outcomes, physical education, playing methods

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