Children's Agility in Football: Comparison of Interval and Repetition Methods
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of zig-zag running training using interval training methods and repetitions on children's agility in football games. The method used in this study was an experimental method. The population used in this study was the students of the Bandung Coerver Coaching Team. The sample used in this study consisted of 22 students of Bandung Coerver Coaching Team. The sample was obtained using purposive sampling technique. The Illinois test was used as data collection technique. Based on processing and analysing the data obtained, the results of the study were that there was no significant increase from the interval method and there was a significant increase from the repetition method on the agility of football players. When compared, there is a significant difference in the improvement of the interval method and the repetition method on the agility of football players.
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