Bae Meto Piol Study in developing Gross Motor Skills of Blind Students at Special Schools in Kupang City

Oded Liunokas, Alexius Andiwatir, Nelci Therik


This study aimed to examine the extent of the influence of bae meto piol with sound on gross motor skills in adaptive physical education learning for blind students. The research method used a mixture (Mixed Methods) that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches with the Sequential Explanatory model, with research subjects of 5 blind students at SLB Kupang City. Data collection techniques were tests, observations, interview documentation, and data analysis using the t-test. The results showed that bae meto piol with sound had a significant influence of 31.00 (α = 0.05) on the gross motor skills of blind students. The conclusion is that the bae meto piol with sound media helps improve gross motor skills in physical education learning for blind students. This bae meto piol with sound media can be an alternative media for physical education teachers in providing learning, especially learning that uses bae meto piol media for students with blindness.


Adaptive physical education, Bae meto piol, Gross motor, Visually impaired


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