Jati Budiawati


Motivasi sebagai salah satu penunjang keberhasilan pelaksanaan tugas fungsional guru masih kurang. Tujuan penelitian adalah terdeskripsikannya 1) motivasi kerja guru, 2) kepuasan kerja, 3) iklim kerja dan teranalisisnya 4) kontribusi iklim kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja, 5) kontribusi iklim kerja terhadap motivasi kerja guru,  6) kontribusi kepuasan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja guru, 7) kontribusi iklim kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhadap motivasi kerja guru di Sekolah Dasar BPK PENABUR Bandung. Metode penelitian berupa deskriptif verifikatif melalui survei terhadap guru di Sekolah Dasar BPK PENABUR Bandung sebanyak 104 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran iklim kerja, kepuasan kerja, dan motivasi kerja masih kurang. Iklim kerja memberikan kontribusi berarti terhadap kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja. Kepuasan kerja memberikan kontribusi berarti terhadap motivasi kerja. Iklim kerja dan kepuasan kerja memberikan kontribusi berarti terhadap motivasi kerja. Implikasi praktis yaitu peningkatan motivasi kerja dengan meminimalkan sikap destruktif akibat belum adanya kepuasan kerja.

Motivation as one of the factors that support the successful implementation of the functional tasks of teachers is still lacking. The research objective is to describe 1) work motivation of teachers, 2) the working climate of teachers, 3) job satisfaction and to analyze 4) the contribution of the working climate towards job satisfaction of teachers, 5) the contribution of working climate towards work motivation of teachers, 6) the contribution of job satisfaction towards teachers work motivation, 7) the contribution of the working climate through job satisfaction towards work motivation in BPK PENABUR primary schools in Bandung. The research method is descriptive verification through a survey of 104 teachers in BPK PENABUR primary schools in Bandung. The result shows that work climate, job satisfaction, and work motivation are lacking in quality. There is a significant contribution of work climate towards job satisfaction and work motivation. Job satisfaction has significantly contributed to work motivation and become a variable that strengthens the relation between work climate and work motivation. Work climate, job satisfaction, and work motivation is at a weak level. There is a significant contribution of work climate and job satisfaction towards work motivation. The practical implication is that work motivation should be increased through efforts of minimizing the destructive attitude due to the lack of job satisfaction.


Iklim Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja. Work Climate, Job Satisfaction, Motivation

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jap.v24i1.6509


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