Sugeng Suryanto, Agoes Hendriyanto


This study aims to develop modules of course on the Language Philosophy in STKIP PGRI Pacitan. It held in the first year of 2013/2014 and the second year of 2015/2016. There are 3 phases of the development: problem identification, potential problems, and design of language philosophy modules. The result of the development in the first year are a module design of scientific language philosophy based on character values of  Vol 1 and 2" ISBN 978-979-1533-19-5 and 978-979-1533-18-8. The second year study consisted of: student and expert validation, module revision, limited trial, module revision, extensive testing, module revision, print-ready module. Expert validation result was 89%, student debriefing questionnaire was 88,6%, mean score 88,8%. The result of the next phase of limited trial based on counts table (t12 = 2.77, t13 = 7.89, t14 = 8.96, t23 = 2.88, t24 = 4.69, t34 = 2.79) is bigger thant-table with 2,021 probabilities. After a limited test, we conclude that the scientific-language philosophy module based on the value of local wisdom is very feasible to use. Test process is broadly obtained that t-count table is bigger (t56 = 2.77, t57 = 6,48, and t67 = 2,29) than t-table 2,021. The scientific-language philosophy module based on the value of local wisdom "is worth to use, volumes 1 ISBN 978-602-25829-3-3 and volume 2 ISBN 978-602-25829-3-4.

Keywords: module, philosophy, language, local wisdom


module; philosophy; language; local wisdom

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