Education on the Effect of Vitamin A Lack of The Risk of Measles

Karmila Apriliya, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto


This study aims to determine the public's understanding of the effect of lack of vitamin A on the risk of measles. This research was conducted on 10 residents of Cigugur Girang, Parongpong. The age range of the respondents is 20 to 60 years. The method used is to provide an understanding in the form of education to the public about the importance of vitamin A for the body and in order to avoid the risk of measles. This research was conducted through 3 stages, namely (i) pre-test, (ii) education through presentation video presentations; and (iii) post-test. The results showed that the average value of the pretest was 144 and the average post-test was 193. From these results, it can be seen that there was an increase in respondents' knowledge after going through these stages. From the results of the N-Gain calculation, it can also be seen that the average N-Gain value is 84%, which means that providing education to the public through video media is an effective action. This is because the public's understanding has increased after being given education through video shows. The results of the t-test calculation show that the t-count (-3.400) is smaller than the t-table (2.262), meaning that the post-test value increased not significantly. From this study, the results obtained are influenced by the people of Cigugur Girang, Parongpong who are able to understand the material in educational video shows well. With this completion of this research, it is hoped that more people will understand the importance of maintaining vitamin A intake in order to avoid the risk of measles.

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