Indonesian Journal of Primary Education

The Indonesian Journal of Primary Education is a scientific periodical published twice a year (June-December) that publishes the results of original research on primary education and primary school teacher education. This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies within the scope of basic education and primary school teacher education including curriculum, teaching materials, media, methods, and evaluation of primary school learning. Since 2017, this journal has been published by the UPI PGSD Study Program, Tasikmalaya Campus with Himpunan Dosen PGSD Indonesia (the Indonesian PGSD Lecturer Association).

The scope of the Indonesian Journal of Primary Education includes:

1. Elementary Mathematics Education
2. Elementary Science Education
3. Elementary Indonesian Language (Literature) Education
4. Elementary Civics Education
5. Elementary Social Studies Education
6. Elementary Art Education
7. Elementary Religious Education
8. Elementary Sports Education
9. Elementary Administration Management

Journal Homepage Image




Call For Paper


Indonesian Journal of Primary Education

Menerima Naskah untuk dipublikasikan pada bulan Juni 2025 Volume 9 Nomor 1 Tahun 2025 dengan e-issn 2597-4866 dan p-issn 2599-2821 dan telah terindeks Google scholar, GARUDA, dan Terakreditasi Sinta 4. Naskah yang diterima mencakup kajian dan hasil penelitian dengan tema yang sesuai dengan fokus dan scope IJPE. Semua naskah akan melalui proses review sebelum terbit.

Isi artikel diwajibkan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Batas akhir penerimaan naskah tanggal  25 Mei 2025

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300.000 (IDR)


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Email :

CP     : Muhammad Rijal Wahid Muharram, M.Pd. (088229293939)

CP     : Pidi Mohamad Setiadi, M.Pd. (081324688743)

Posted: 2025-01-01
More Announcements...

Vol 9, No 1 (2025): Indonesian Journal of Primary Education : June 2025 (In Press)

Table of Contents


Rani Nuraeni, Syarip Hidayat, Sima Mulyadi
Popon Siti Fauziah, Muhammad Sofian Hadi
Feby Rahmania Budiyani, Deni Adi Putra, Kunti Dian Ayu Afiani
Nanik Erlia Santi, Fajar Setiawan, Meirza Nanda Faradita