Nutritional Status Assessment of West Java Athletes: A Preliminary Studies

Syifa F. Syihab, Widya Astuti, Muchamad Rizki Sentani, Isti Kumalasari


The nutritional adequacy of athletes is one of the important factors that support sports performance. The fulfillment of proper nutrition based on the individual athlete's needs is the main prerequisite for health, physical fitness, and sports performance, especially during an undergoing competition. This study aims to see the nutritional adequacy and anthropometric conditions of athletes from various sports. The subjects are West Java athletes who are undergoing the initial training program held by Indonesia National Sports Committee. This research is a preliminary assessment, and it was expected as a reference in the general preparation stage of a training center program for the next 6 months. The anthropometric data were collected using the Omron HBF 375 Karada Scan Body Composition Monitor and Stadiometer, while the data collection on the adequacy of energy and nutrients used the 24-hour Food Recall. The results showed that most athletes had a nutritional status of obesity due to restrictions on exercise activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. 17.4% of athletes had an obesity category, had 18.78% of athletes had normal muscle mass. Meanwhile, women's volleyball is classified as low. The level of energy sufficiency in women's handball, women's softball, and men's bodybuilding have exceeded the level of daily energy requirement. An athlete nutrition assistance is needed based on the type of sport and individual needs.


Athletes; Body Mass Index; Body Fat; Energy Expenditure; Nutrition Requirement; Nutritional Status

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