Erwin R . Wardhani, Nugraha Suharto


This thesis discusses the description of Change Management in the Implementation of internal bureaucracy reform in the teacher training institution PPPPTK TKPLB Kemdikbud. This Change Management performed in this agenda of bureacucracy reform in the purpose of increasing the quality of public services and developing the professionalism of the employees. The method used in this research was descriptive method through qualitative approach. The data collection technique used in this research were through the interview, study of documentation and observation to some internal employees in PPPPTK TKPLB Kemdikbud. The information gathered in this research was the description of the change management process in administering the change by TKPLB through the implementation of bureaucracy reform in 8 areas of change. The change appeared in the 8 areas of change focusing on the mind-set as a starting point for organization development. By the theories of Lewin and Kotter, we can conclude that the implementation of Bureacucracy Reform in TKPLB was in the phase unfreezing and changing, but not yet in refreezing phase. As a priority of short-term win, TKPLB should step effectively in managing the change in order to get the predicate of WBK or WBBM from Kemenpan RB. As a realization of 8 areas of change, TKPLB has to make a solid commitment between leaders an staffs to encourage the implementation of bureacucrasy reform. This program taken as a means of actualizing the good governance in giving excellent public service.


Bureaucracy Reform, Change Management, Good Governance


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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
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