Hendro Widodo


Today, every school is oriented and competing to demonstrate the existence of school quality to meet the needs and expectations of society. This is also the main trigger of school management innovation to make schools more qualified, so schools that are considered qualified by the community will increasingly in demand, otherwise the ordinary quality school will be increasingly abandoned. In the context of education, quality includes inputs, processes, and outputs. The three elements are interconnected. That is, to produce a quality educational output, influenced by the process of education, and quality education process will be able to produce better output if supported by the input of quality education as well. Schools can be said to be of quality if the inputs, processes and output of education can meet the requirements demanded by users of education services, both internal and external. In this case, school quality management is the ability of schools to utilize educational resources both human and non human resources to improve the ability of inputs, processes and outputs of education to meet the requirements demanded by users of education services (stakeholders). 


Quality Culture, Revitalization, Schooling.


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