Hery Muljono, Yessy Yanita Sari


This study aims to determine the capacity building model of competency-based headmaster leadership in realizing a character school. This research uses quantitative approach with causal survey method with path analysis technique. The sample used is 72 respondents consisting of elementary school teachers (SD) in Jakarta. Principal Competence (X1) have an effect on Personality Character of Headmaster (X2) that is P21 = 0,772 and r12 = 0,772. Principal Competence (X1) effect on School Character (X3) that is P31 = 0,430 and r13 = 0,727. Character Personality Principal (X2) gives influence to Character School (X3) that is, P31 = 0,430 and r23 = 0,716. Suggestions from the findings of this study are: the need to be improved and selected the Principal's personality as the leader character in order to create the principal's leadership in the School, so as to influence the enhancement of the superior Principal's competence and to create a characteristic school required the headmaster's personality capable of becoming the school leader and required superior principal competence.


capacity building, character schools, headmaster competence, principal personality traits.


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