Erlani Pertiwi, aan Komariah, dedy achmad kurniady


This research aims to determine the effect of work motivation and work climate on the quality of teaching lecturers. The method used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach, a sample of 63 lecturers at Fakultas Tarbiyah and Keguruan UIN Suska Riau. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale model and data was analyzed using simple regression analysis, multiple regression, partial correlation and correlation coefficient of determination. The results shown that: (1) The amount of influence of work motivation on the quality of teaching lecturers obtained results of 0.674 (strong correlation), while the effect was 41%. The research hypothesis shown that "work motivation has a significant effect on the quality of teaching lecturers" is accepted. (2) The amount of work climate influence on the quality of teaching obtainedresults of 0.681 (strong correlation) and the effect of 36%. The research hypothesis can be concluded that "work climate has a significant effect on the quality of teaching lecturers" can be accepted. (3) The influence of motivation and work climate on the quality of teaching obtained results of 0.743 (strong correlation) with the influence of 45% and the remaining 55% was influenced by other factors. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the research hypothesis which states "work motivation and work climate have a significant effect on the quality of teaching lecturers" can be accepted.


teaching quality, work climate, work motivation.


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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
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