Tri Istiwahyuningsih


This study examines the gaps between  job analysis, workload analysis and employee requirement calculations that had been formulated previously in Center for Education and Culture Statistics and their implementation. This qualitative descriptive study applied purposeful sampling by vetting nominations from staffs and their superiors. Evidence was collected through work measurement method using work sampling technique to set time standard in the area of on-desk data validation task only. Meanwhile, volume counts and timings for other stages of works were arrived at by interviews with the experienced employees involved in the processes. Based on the results, it was revealed that the total workload was not proportional to the amount of existing employees. Therefore, job analysis, workload analysis and employee requirement calculations which belong to the organization should be evaluated and improved so they can be utilized as guides in more accurate manpower planning. Furthermore, it is necessary to recruit and select new employees.


analysis, workload, work measurement


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