Eddy Junaedi


An effective inclusive education policy has the ability for good school management skills. During this time the inclusive education process has not been able to realize the vision, mission, goals and objectives in schools. These problems will cause school principals, educators, and administrative staff as operators not yet to consider providing excellent services to inclusive learners, looking for solutions that require and meet the needs of stakeholders. The focus of consideration is the effectiveness of inclusive education policies at the elementary school level, namely: 1) what is the process of establishing inclusive education policies; 2) What is the socialization of inclusive education policy; 3) What is an inclusive education program; 4) how to implement inclusive education; 5) carrying out monitoring efforts and evaluating the implementation of inclusive education; 6) how important is the application of inclusive education. The aim is to describe the effectiveness of inclusive education policy and develop a model of the effectiveness of inclusive education policy in primary schools. This descriptive study was conducted with case studies in three schools, namely SDN 2 Cibabat Mandiri, SDN 5 Leuwi Gajah and SDN Cigugur Tengah in Cimahi City. The technique of extracting data is done by observing, interviewing and studying the school documentation. Data processing is done through the process of data analysis, display, and data verification.. Researchers discuss several things, namely: first, the city government needs it specifically for inclusive education, which requires the problem of teachers, sapras, funding and involvement of related agencies; secondly, the school principal supports him proactively cooperating with the closest primary school for exceptional childrens to support the implementation of inclusive education; third, to improve the effectiveness of supervision and guidance of the barriers carried out by primary school for exceptional children supervisors.


Effectiveness of Inclusive Education, Policy Implementation


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jap.v26i2.21306


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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
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