Rida Rimadani, Sarwono Sarwono, I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu


This research to analyze the Strategy and challenges of implementing ca-pacity building for village officials through Non-formal education qualifi-cations. Evaluation of the Village officials Capacity Development Policy (PKAD) explained that 24% of village officials in Indonesia have good ca-pacity, while the remaining 76% have low capacity. This research uses de-scriptive research with a qualitative approach. This research determined two research focuses, namely the strategy carried out to increase the ca-pacity of the village apparatus and the challenges of implementing the strategy. The capacity building strategy is carried out by using a capacity building approach that is measured through: leadership strategies, good program planning, effective management and implementation, and effi-cient use of resources owned. The challenge faced in an effort to increase cassapitas is a fluctuating budget condition accompanied by the number and distribution of regions that are less efficient in terms of accessibility. It is expected that the BBPD Malang can more consider cooperation with the organizers of non-formal education in order to improve the level of ability of trainees and village officials so that the training process runs op-timally and effectively


apparatus competencies, educational qualifications, non-formal educatio, village officials, and strategies


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jap.v26i2.21332


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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
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