Ahmad Ikram, Dedy Achmad Kurniady, Eka Prihatin


The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the principal’s leadership and teacher’s performance on school quality in public elemen-tary schools in Lembang subdistrict, West Bandung district. The method used in this study is descriptive method with a quantitative approach. This research take samples from a population and use questionnaires as a data collection tool. Data collected from 33 Public Schools in Lembang subdis-trict, West Bandung district. Data collection techniques using in this re-search are questionnaires, documentation, and literature. The location of this study was conducted in all public elementary school in Lembang, West Bandung District with a total of 111 respondents. The results revealed that the leadership of the principal and the teacher’s performance had a signif-icant and positive effect on the quality of the school. The implication in this study is that if the leadership of the principal and the performance of the teacher play a role and function properly, it will improve the quality of the school. The recommendations in this study are mainly on the facilitative aspects, where school facilities and infrastructures are still not complete, the principal must continue to work and equip them to support the im-provement of the teaching and leraning process, so that the quality of schools can continue to increase.


principal leadership, school quality, teacher performance.


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ISSN: p.1412-8152 e.2580-1007
Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan is issued by Program Studi Administrasi Pendidikan Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
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