Nora Ekaliana Hanafie


This study was conducted to evaluate the optimalization of the PSM after tasks enrichment, analyze constraints faced by PSM in carrying out the new duties, and formulate a strategy for optimizing PSM utilization. This study applied a quantitative approach with survey method through questionnaire and interview of 50 PSM respondents from a total of 444 PSM within the Ministry of Villages and Rural Areas. The results showed that the majority of PSM (78%) were not optimal in carrying out their duties. The main obstacles faced by the PSM mainly caused by the misplacement, the lack of compentecies of community facilitation, commitment from the leaders and capacity building; in which below the standard to meet the credit score and career development. Jabatan Fungsional Penggerak Swadaya Masyarakat (JFPSM) or the Community Development Worker (CDWorker) is one of the functional positions which represents the presence of the state in encouraging the self sufficient and competitive Indonesian society. The study recommends: 1) the placement of PSM accordance to their function; 2) compensate the task according to their roles and functions to fulfill its credit score, 3) formulate the empowerment program proporsionally; 4) commitment of the leader to support the duties of PSM.


Community Development Worker, Optimization Evaluation Constraints, Roles of Optimalization Evaluation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jap.v27i1.24395


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