Ajub Hidiya, A. Ansar, A. Arwildayanto


The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) improvement in the implementation of Cooperative Professional Development supervision (2) improvement in the ability of teachers to apply problem-based learning models through the supervision of Cooperative Professional Development in State Junior High Schools in Duhiadaa District. This research is a school action research. From the results of the implementation of the action obtained the results for the first cycle of the supervision of the cooperative professional development reached 45.7%, and the implementation of the second cycle rose to 65.5%. In the implementation of the third cycle increased significantly to 72.1% or good category. While the teacher's ability to apply the problem-based learning model in the first cycle reached 53.43% and after the follow-up to the second cycle it became 63%. From these data it can be concluded that there is a significant increase in the implementation of the problem based learning model through the supervision of Cooperative Professional Development.


Cooperative Supervision, Problem Based Learning, Professional Development.

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