Rusdiono Muryanto


This study aims to describe the meaning, challenges, and implementation of creative teaching strategies, especially in the digital era in high schools in Bandung. This paper also discusses pedagogy and learning environments that can contribute to the development of teacher competencies and skills, and promote the quality of learning. The methodology used is qualitative with a descriptive approach based on a literature review. The results of this study are (1) The quality of learning based on skills and creative teaching strategies in a secondary school context, (2) The need for creative learning strategies in the digital era (3) evaluation of traditional and multimedia teaching methods and to suggest other useful teaching methods that can tried in spreading knowledge to students. This point is a very interesting problem, alternative solutions are given in the suggestions. The results of this study are also to determine creative teaching strategies in high schools in Bandung. Globalization has brought changes in all areas of human life, especially in the field of education. The emergence of a global movement has resulted in a new learning model in the digital age. This era has argued that traditional education must be transformed to allow for the new forms of learning needed to tackle complex global challenges. Rethinking pedagogical methods for the digital age is as important as identifying new competencies that learners need to develop today.



Creative Teaching Strategy, Digital Era, Traditional Teaching, Implementation.

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