Rahmat Fadhli


The aim of this study was to investigate the school management service espesially related to learning management during the online learning course due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, to propose a model of school management service RAFLI (Readiness, Availaibility, Facilitating, Leadership, and Innovativeness) during a distance learning policy. The study applied a qualitative approach by using four main steps of data collections: observation, questionnaire, interview and study documentation. The sample used was three junior high schools in Bandung, with a different accreditation level, which were SMPN 2 Bandung (high), SMPN 53 Bandung (medium) and SMPN 57 Bandung (low). The result of the study was all the schools had a similar problem with the aspect of readiness, as some senior teachers had difficulties to conduct online learning. In addition, in terms of availaibility, it was clear that all schools had a serious issue to cope with. However, each school had a different way to solve the problems. Facilitating aspect had a major issues that need to be taken into consideration by the teachers and school principal. Another important aspect is a leadership. The last, in the aspect of innovativeness, both teachers and school principals need to be brave to come up with the new ideas and breakthroughs. The recommendation given by this study is to yield a better school management service during the online learning situation, the RAFLI model might be implemented as one of the best alternatives.


Environmental-Based Literacy, Environmental Awareness, Management Function, School Management.

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