Marzuki Marzuki, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Henny Suharyati


This study aims to describe how the publication map on the topic of digital transformation and educational culture. The method used in this research is bibliometrics using data sources from Crossruff with publication years from 2012 to July 2023. The initial search results using the Publish or Perish application, 1,000 publications were obtained, then after sorting the publication data, 448 articles were obtained, consisting of journal articles and proceeding articles. The results of this study show that publications on this theme have increased and even reached a significant peak in 2022 of 142 publications, this shows that studies on this theme are still interesting. The results of research mapping using Vos Viewer in this study produced 89 items which were then divided into six clusters. Each mess represents a connection between Education culture and digital transformation. The sixth cluster is digital transformation itself, education, digital literacy, digital competence and higher education. The input from the results of this research is that there is no research that clearly describes the relationship between digital transformation and educational culture. These two topics can be analyzed through digital culture, digital literacy and digital learning.


Bibliometric, Culture Education, Transformation Digital.


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