Windu Wiguna


SMK perlu memiliki sebuah rencana stratejik (renstra) yang mapan, yang didasarkan pada analisis situasi internal dan eksternal, yang dapat mereposisi setiap unsur diluar organisasi yang berpengaruh terhadap implementasinya seperti kinerja manajerial Kepala Sekolah (KS), struktur, budaya, kekuasaan dan kewenangan, komitmen organisasi, komunikasi, fasilitas, teknologi dan sistem informasi manajemen (SIM). Permasalahan yang ingin dijawab meliputi : Bagaimana implementasi renstra di SMK yang didukung  peran kinerja KS dan pemanfaatan SIM, Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kinerja manajerial KS dan pemanfaatan SIM berpengaruh positif, kuat dan signifikan terhadap efektifitas implementasi renstra. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan adalah kepada seluruh stakeholder SMK untuk dapat menjalankan role of model, meningkatkan pay attention, berpartisipasi aktif dalam organisasi profesi, dan lainlain.

Vocational High School (SMK) should have a good-quality strategic plan. The strategic plan underlined by internal and external environment analysis is able to transform every external variable that affects the implementation. Those variables are such as principal performance, structure, culture, authority, SIM, communication, facility, technology, and information system. Therefore, this study was aimed to answer: How principal performance was performed with system information of management (SIM) supported strategic plan implementation at Vocational schools. The study results showed that principal performance and SIM had a positive and significant affect to the effectivity of strategic plan strongly. It was recommended that stakeholders should develop the role of models, increasing pay attention, actively participate in professional organizations, etc.


Rencana Stratejik, Implementasi, Kinerja Manajerial , Sistem Informasi Manajemen. Strategic Plan, Implementation, Principal Performance, System Information Of Management.

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