The Influence of Educational Qualifications and Educational Competence on the Quality of Learning Services in Segregation Education in DKI Jakarta
This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of educational qualifications and pedagogical competence on the quality of learning services because the proportion of non-specialized teachers still dominates segregation-based schools. The research method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with survey techniques. While the data analysis technique used to answer the research hypothesis is a statistical model of path analysis (path analysis). The population and at the same time being the respondents in this study were 133 SLB teachers spread across 14 special schools in DKI Jakarta. The technical analysis data used to test the hypothesis is simple regression analysis with multiple regression, t test and F test. The results show that 1) there is an effect of educational qualifications on the quality of learning services in segregated education in DKI Jakarta of 44.32%, which means that the two variables go hand in hand, the higher and linear the qualifications of teacher education, the better the quality of learning services produced. 2) There is an influence of pedagogic competence on the quality of learning services in segregated education in DKI Jakarta of 43.80%, meaning that the more teachers improve their pedagogical competence, the higher the effect on the quality of learning services produced. 3) There is an effect of educational qualifications and pedagogical competence on the quality of learning services in segregated education in DKI Jakarta of 45.23%, the two variables of educational qualifications and pedagogical competence go hand in hand with the quality of learning services, which means that the higher and linear the educational qualifications and pedagogic competence, the better the quality of learning services produced by the teacher. The results of testing the main hypothesis in this study can be concluded that educational qualifications and pedagogic competence have a positive and significant effect on the quality of learning services in segregation education in DKI Jakarta.
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