Article Processing Charge (APC)

Article Processing Charges (APC) are charged to authors of scholarly articles during the publication process.  APC are used by open access journals in lieu of subscription fees that libraries and readers traditionally have paid to gain access to research articles.

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Processing Charges (APC):

  • Article in English Rp1.200.000
  • Article in Bahasa Indonesia Rp1.500.000

If the paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an APC to cover publication costs.

Transfer APC through BNI a.n Ridha Pratama Rusli (Bendahara Jurnal Inovasi Kurikulum) Account number: 0708088234

*) We want to ensure valuable work can be published without financial constraints. If you can't afford the fee, you have the option of applying for a fee waiver.

**) If necessary, author can request Fast Track Review (FTR) process.


>> Statement of authenticity article - click here

>> APC fee payment statement letter - click here

>> Confirmation Form Inovasi Kurikulum journal (official) - click here

>> Letter of Acceptance (LoA) verification page Inovasi Kurikulum journal - click here