Inggo Nugraha, Mad Ali


This research article aims to describe the form of the expression al-lagzu fî al-jawâb  in the Qur'an. Al-lagzu fî al-jawâb  is a form of diverting the conversation to something more important. Al-lagzu fî al-jawâb is an art in balagah because it gives a beautiful impression on someone's conversation. This discussion of al-lagzu fî al-jawâb  is not given a specific foundation by the scholars of balagah and the writers of the book in which discussing al-lagzu fî al-jawâb . The data source of this study was taken from the Qur'an. The object of his research is focused on the verses of al-lagzu fî al-jawâb  contained in the Qur'an. The data is collected through documentation and recording format. Then the data were analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that there were eighty expressions of al-lagzu fî al-jawâb  in the Qur'an. The phrase can be classified into four forms and six themes.


Al-lagzu fî al-jawâb; the Qur’an; forms of al-lagzu fî al-jawâb

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