The Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method as a Solution to Problems in Learning Arabic at SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung

Salma Nur Fauziah, Maman Abdurahman, Zikry Mardian Zein


The background of this research is because there are problems in learning Arabic that are faced by students of class XI. These problems include a learning atmosphere that is less active and students' difficulties in understanding the contents of Arabic texts. As a solution, the teacher has chosen to use the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) cooperative learning method. The focus of this research is to identify whether the CIRC method is able to encourage active involvement of students during the learning process and help them overcome difficulties in understanding the contents of Arabic texts. This study used a qualitative descriptive method using a research design in the form of participant observation. The respondents involved were an Arabic teacher and 20 students in class XI MIPA 1. The data collection included observation techniques, interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. Data analysis was carried out through the steps of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: 1) the use of the CIRC method was able to increase active participation and self-confidence of students; and 2) the use of the CIRC method is also effective in overcoming the difficulties faced by students, assisting them in understanding the contents of Arabic texts and improving skills in reading and understanding the contents of the text.


CIRC; Learning Problems; Solutions

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