Integration of Technology in Learning Arabic Language: Mumtaz Method Textbook with Interactive Power Point Features

Sayuthi Atman Said, Ahmad Hashif Ulwan


Arabic language education is an important component in understanding Islamic culture, history and teachings. In order to increase the effectiveness of Arabic language learning, innovative teaching methods and appropriate media support are needed. One promising method is the Mumtaz method, which has been proven effective in facilitating understanding of Arabic, especially in learning nahwu and Shorof. However, in the era of continuously developing information technology, the integration of interactive media can provide significant added value in learning Arabic. This article is the result of research with the aim of: developing a mumtaz method textbook with interactive power point media product features and measuring the effectiveness of these media products in learning Arabic. The type of research method used is research and development Research and Development (R&D) using the R2D2 development model, the R2D2 model has three focuses, namely define focus, design and development focus, dissemination focus. These findings explain that this interactive power point media is very suitable for use. This is based on validation results by media experts, namely 80.67% with very suitable criteria for use, and material experts, namely 78.00% with criteria suitable for use.


Interactive Power Point; Learning Arabic; Mumtaz Method Textbook

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