Roman Jakobson's Semiotic Lens: Deciphering Caricatures of Israel's Aggression in Palestine

Ghana Aldila Septiani, Dien Nur Chotimah


In the digital era, Instagram has emerged as a platform for freedom of speech, including criticism of the military aggression of Israel in Palestine. @osamahajjaj and @hajjaj_cartoons are the accounts that address issues in the Middle East, which will be the focus of this research. The study delves into six cartoons from the Instagram accounts @osamahajjaj and @hajjaj_cartoons, focusing on cartoons related to the social phenomenon of Israeli aggression in Palestine after October 7, 2023, and using the semiotic approach of Roman Jakobson to reveal the teleological meaning and profound messages in the visualisation of these caricatures. This research explains why caricaturists create and upload their caricatures. The researcher starts by observing and documenting the data, then thematically grouped. This data analysis research involves data collection, reduction, and presentation. The examination of these six caricatures manifests criticism of the bias of the U.S. and Western media, violations of human rights, lies used to legitimise Israel's military aggression in Palestine, and international efforts to halt such aggression.


Caricatures; Instagram; Israel and Palestine; Roman Jakobson's semiotics; Teleological analysis

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