Historical Intertextuality and Imaginative Creativity in the Granada Trilogy Novel by Radwa Ashour: Depicting the Human Tragedy of Muslims in Andalusia/ التناص التاريخي والإبداع الخيالي في رواية ثلاثية غرناطة لرضوى عاشور: تصوير الكارثة الإنسانية للمسلمين بالأندلس

Fathin Masyhud, Ahmad Syaikhu, Himmatul Khoiroh, M. Saifuddin Umar


The aim of this research is to study historical sources on the method of narrative narration and imaginative creativity, with the interaction between historical intertextuality and imaginative creativity. The results of the study show that the Granada Trilogy novel contains overlapping elements from Andalusian historical sources. The novel's narrative unfolds over the centuries with the fall of the cities of Malaga, Cordoba, and Zaragoza, and ends with the fall of the city of Granada. The research focuses on answering the following questions: (1) What is Radwa Ashour’s portrayal of the humanitarian catastrophe in Andalusia in the novel Granada Trilogy? (2) How did the catastrophe of the fall of the Andalusian cities occur in the Granada Trilogy novel from the perspective of historical intertextuality and imaginative creativity? (3) How did the Arab feminist tragedy in the Granada Trilogy novel interact between reality and fiction?


Granada trilogy; Historical intertextuality; Novel; Radwa Ashour

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/alsuniyat.v7i1.67544


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