Arabic Learning Media: The Use of in Supporting Arabic Language Learning in Higher Education

Reli Handayani, Ady Muh. Zainul Mustofa, Rofiazka Fahmi Huda, Firman Afrian Pratama, Wardah Amalina


This study aims to describe the utilization and effectiveness of in supporting student language learning in the Department of Arabic Language Education at Jambi University. This research method uses a mixed methods approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, observations, questionnaires and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the utilization of has been carried out in the Arabic Language Education study program at the Department of Language and Literature Education, Jambi University. Variations of learning media that have been applied and developed include crossword puzzles, horse racing, matching pairs, where is what, simple order, multiple choice quiz, guess the word, and cloze text. In addition, the results show that is effectively used to support Arabic language learning both synchronously and asynchronously.


Arabic learning; Higher education;; Learning media

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