- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Article Template
- Aims
- Author's Publication Ethics
- Plagiarism Screening
- Guidelines for Journal Publication
- Ethics Statement
- Licensing
- Fees
Focus and Scope
The journal has a perspective on social science and entrepreneurship studies which bring together issues of interest to academic researchers and educators, policy-makers and practitioners. The editorial team ecourages quality submission which mentioned innovative articles that redefine any Social Science and Entrepreneurship field. The scope of ASSET journal is:
- Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs behavior, social entrepreneurship, education entrepreneurship, technology entrepreneurship, social entreprise, small medium entreprise, small economics, people Management, human resource, digital business, digital economy.
- Social Scinece: Organization behavior, psychology, law, sociology, government Science, community, community development, politic and Social Science, culture, human Right, women empowerment, social welfare.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
The journal uses blind review process; The paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts; one or more external reviewers and one internal reviewer involved in reviewing the submission.
We only publish articles that have been reviewed and approved highly qualified researchers with expertise in a field appropriate for the article.
The acceptance and rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based the review results supplied by the reviewers.
There are no communications between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision.
Author whose papers are rejected will be informed with the reasons of the rejection.
Publication Frequency
This journal will be published two times a year on the following months: April and September. Every issue consist of 7 articles and therefor every volume has 14 artticles/reviews.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Author's Publication Ethics
(Based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see https://publicationethics.org/) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (see https://wame.org/) in the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Publication Process).
Ethical guidelines for the journal publication
In the peer-reviewed journals published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, the publication of an article is process of permanent knowledge improvement. The article submitted must be original that has never been published elsewhere in any language, as well as is not under review for publication anywhere. Our journal publishes articles only focused based on scope explained in the focus and scope section.
The article must be supported by scientific method that embedded in the text. This can reflect the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. The article must be agreed upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties, including the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewers, and the publisher as well as sponsored journals.
Articles published in our journals in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia are for advancement of ongoing research from current knowledge and theories. All articles are produced and must be agreed to follow ethical behavior from all parties involved in the publication process, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers, as well as sponsored papers and journals.
Our publications pledge to make sure that editorial decisions are unaffected by advertising, reprints, or other commercial revenue. Additionally, where it is beneficial to editors, the Editorial Board will help in discussions with other journals and/or publishers.
Authors have several duties based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see https://publicationethics.org/) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (see https://wame.org/):
- Important. Author(s) submitted only article that must be original (has never been published elsewhere in any language, as well as is not under review for publication anywhere). The article must be in scope explained in the focus and scope section.
- Scientific report submitted by authors. The authors must report on original research, which ought to give a truthful summary of the work that has been done with an unbiased analysis and relevance. The report should appropriately depict the underlying data, having enough information and citations to let someone else duplicate the work. False or deliberately inaccurate statements are inappropriate, and they can represent unethical behavior. Data must be truthful, unbiased, accurate, and objective.
- Data protection and availability. The raw data related to the article submitted by author may be requested for editorial review. If possible, authors should be ready to make these data accessible to the public. In any case, they should be ready to keep these data for a fair amount of time after publication. Authors can ask data submitted to be accessible or not to the public, and this can be discussed with editors; and this must be confirmed during reviewing process.
- Submission of article against plagiarism and originality. The authors should make sure that their writing is unique and original. In the case that authors need to borrow any ideas or words from other papers, they should make sure that they have properly cited or quoted them. Plagiarism is unacceptable in all forms since it is unethical behavior in scientific publication. There are many types of plagiarism, such as 'passing off' another person's paper as the author's own paper, copying or paraphrasing significant portions of another paper without giving credit/citation, or claiming the findings of research that was undertaken by someone else.
- Authorship (who must be included in the article). The authors are only individuals who significantly contributed to the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the reported study. There are first author (that is positioned in the first position in the authors’ list), co-authors (other authors put after the first author), and corresponding author (author(s) with asterix and email information). All authors must agree to the paper's submission for publication.
- Recognition and Acknowledgements. All recognitions and acknowledgments must be added in the acknowledgment section in the article. The authors must give credit/thank to other people's contributions, giving private information, conversations, letters, or discussions, citations for works that had a significant impact on understanding the reported work, grant applications, and institutions that support the research and article.
- Conflicts of interest. Any financial or other significant conflict of interest (including author-author conflict of interest) that could be taken to have an impact on the findings or interpretation of a manuscript should be disclosed by all authors in the publication. At the earliest submission, such conflicts of interest must be clarified and the information must be put in the article.
- Basic mistakes and fundamental errors in the published works. It is the responsibility of the authors to contact the editor as soon as when a serious error or inaccuracy in the author's own published work is found. The authors must work with the editor to retract or fix the manuscript.
- Publication with contemporaneous, multiple types, duplication, redundancy. It is unacceptable to simultaneously submit the same article to multiple journals, which is considered unethical publishing behavior. Indeed, the authors should not submit an article that has already been published for consideration in another publication journal(s). If authors add other results from their previous work or another paper, they have to inform as citation in the submitted article.
Editors have several duties based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see https://publicationethics.org/) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (see https://wame.org/):
- Publication decisions. Editor(s) has a right to take decision whether the article is accepted/published or not. The first result is based on editor’s decision. If the article passes the first editor decision, it goes to the second result guided by the decision of reviewers. Editors collect, compile, and decide from reviewers’ comments. Several points can be used to take decision by editor: the policies of the journal's editorial board such as focus and scope, novelties, legal requirements, libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.
- Fair play and confidentiality in taking care article. All articles received by editors must be taken care without author(s)'s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophies. All data during the reviewing and editing processes must be taken confidentially. Editors and journal’s staff must not share and disclose any information about the article that submitted to the journal to other people, except authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher.
- Conflicts of interest. Without the author's clear written approval, including peer-review-derived sensitive information and ideas, the editor may not use disclosed unpublished materials for their research. Editors should abstain from reviewing and evaluating manuscripts when they have conflicts of interest resulting from cooperative or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, businesses, or institutions; thus, the editor must ask co-editor, associate editor, or other editors to review and consider the manuscript. The authors should complete any pertinent competing interests, including publishing revisions if there are any discovered after the article has been published. If required, the action must be adopted, such as a publication.
- Complaints and investigations. When there is a complaint regarding ethical concerns raised on the submitted or published article, the editor should work with the publisher to take reasonable action, such as revision, correction, retraction, expression of concern, and other notes that are relevant. However, all actions must be done by additional confirmations and communications with authors to take action fairly.
After passing the first screening by editor, to get fair reviewing process, our journal usually proceeds each article with at least 3 reviewers: 1 internal reviewer (from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and the others are external reviewers. Reviewers have several duties based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (see https://publicationethics.org/) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) (see https://wame.org/):
- Roles, Promptness, Confidentiality, and Fair Play Process in Reviewing. The reviewers help editors in giving judgments fairly without personal critism, suggestions/ideas to improve article qualities via peer reviewing process. Communication is only done between the reviewers and the editors, and there is no communication between the reviewer and the authors. All communications must be done via a formal scholarly communication in a time manner. If reviewer feels to be unqualified for reviewing the article, reviewer must inform and notify editor as soon as possible. Reviewers just give suggestion, while the final decision for the publication is on Editor. Article and all peer reviewing processing documents are confidential. The reviewer cannot discuss with authors or anybody without editor's permission.
- Acknowledgment. The reviewer should point out pertinent published works that the authors have not cited, giving ideas and claims based on a certain observation, deduction, or argument. The reviewer also informs and notice for any significant overlap or resemblance between article under consideration and any other published material based on reviewer’s knowledge.
- Conflict of interest. Without the author's express written authorization and editor’s permission, the reviewer may not use any unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their work. All peer review process is privileged knowledge. Thus, ideas must be kept secret and confidential, as well as not used for the reviewer’s benefit. Reviewers should not take into account in the reviewing process when they have relationships or links with any of the authors, organizations, or businesses associated with the articles.
Plagiarism Screening
Before going to review process, all manuscripts will be checked that they are free from plagiarism practice using "Turnitin" software. If there an indication of plagiarism, the manuscript will instantly be rejected.
Guidelines for Journal Publication
Ethics Statement
AJSE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
There are no submission and article processing charge