Peningkatan Kinerja Kepala Sekolah dalam Supervisi Manajerial dengan Metode Monitoring di Enam SD Binaan Distrik Inanwatan

David Daniel Fugida


The objectives of this school action research are (a) to describe the improvement in the implementation of managerial supervision with the monitoring method in 6 fostered primary schools in the Inanwatan District; (b) describe the performance improvement of the 6 principals of the SD Guiding Inanwatan District in carrying out academic supervision through managerial supervision with the monitoring method. Subjects were determined by the purposive method. This research was carried out in two cycles in one cycle carried out in 2 meetings. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning (planning), implementation (action), observation (observation), and reflection (reflection). Data collection techniques in this study were interviews, questionnaires, documentation, and observations to determine the performance of the principal. Based on the results of the study showed that the principal's performance appraisal in carrying out academic supervision of teachers, in the pre-cycle, was still low at 35.24%, after taking action in the first cycle there was an increase to 64.76%, but did not meet the expected 80% criteria, after efforts to improve the managerial supervision of the monitoring and evaluation method in cycle II, there was an increase to 87.62% in the good category. In cycle II, all respondents (principals) have met the predetermined success criteria, that is > 80%. So that managerial supervision using the monitoring method at six elementary schools in the Inanwatan District can evidently improve the performance of the principal. Therefore, this can be a reference for elementary schools in other areas to see how the principal's performance is so that they can improve the principal's performance.


Principal Performance; Managerial Supervision; Monitoring

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