Kecemasan Siswa ketika Datang Terlambat ke Sekolah: Suatu Inkuiri Naratif pada Siswa SD Negeri Pasirbuah

Anita Anita, Tatang Suratno, Fatihaturosyidah Fatihaturosyidah


Late coming to school is a thing that is not foreign again in the world of education. Good researcher nor reader, of course once experience or watching late come to school. Late coming to school is one attitude disciplinary because violates regulations. It can not be denied that when we do violation to some rules, anxiety can be felt and shown through the motion body or expression face. Motivation is a moving thing for somebody to do something deed. Including discipline, someone can too influenced by motivation. In this research, the researcher looking for data about the reason students and the anxiety that occurs in students when come late to school. The subject study is the State Elementary School of Pasirbuah students who are late to school. Narrative inquiry was chosen as the method of research. Observation field, interviews, storytelling, field notes, and documentary studies were used to find the data needed related retrieved title. With return experience participants who come late to school, strengthened with theories from experts, and interviews with students and parents, can be taken to conclude that the reason most students come late to school that is to wake up oversleep. The anxiety that occurs not many showed when at school. However, anxiety that occurs in students who are late shows it at home with a restless attitude and anger toward their parents. The research results obtained were that the reason students came late was waking up late. Waking up late is caused by feeling lazy, resulting in a lack of self-discipline, so they cannot manage their time well. 


Students Anxiety; Late; Narrative Inquiry

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