Pengembangan Permainan Congklak Digital Berbasis Etnomatematika untuk Siswa Kelas VI Sekolah Dasar

Nadia Farah Annisa, Andika Arisetyawan


Teaching media is a crucial part of the learning process. According to the findings of the interviews, there are still students who don't understand the concepts for arithmetic operations on integers when learning mathematics in the classroom because the media used is still conservative and not based on culture. This serves as the foundation for enhancing traditional video games as media. To motivate students, this study intends to create digital content based on classic games. Lesson plans and instructional resources are the study's output. Students in sixth grade served as the study's subjects. The research method used is ethnography. Techniques for gathering data were used, including observations, interviews, and research recordings. The ADDIE model is used in this study to produce the media. This research was done at five different levels, starting with (1) Analysis, which looked at tasks, difficulties, and needs. (2) Using the data that has been examined, researchers design a framework for media and instructional materials. (3) Development, which refers to actions taken to enhance the conceptual framework of media and instructional materials that have been produced and verified. (4) Implementation and testing of media goods that were examined by 15 students in sixth grade of theState Elementary School of Semanan 14 Petang. The final stage of ADDIE is assessment, which involves evaluating activities in light of the findings of the evaluation media experiment. This leads to the conclusion that assessment media products can improve learning motivation and are appropriate for use in assessing integer arithmetic processes.


Learning Media; Digital Congklak Game; ADDIE Model

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