Nilai Karakter pada Novel Anak Badai dari Tere Liye untuk Materi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Kelas 5 SD

Suparni Suparni, Deni Deni Wardana Wardana, Widjojoko Widjojoko


The development of the wider world of education gave birth to new things for educational devices. Teachers are required to actively seek effective learning for students from various sources that can be used as teaching materials. To obtain these objectives, it cannot only rely on standardized teaching materials because in reality, the learning materials that have been determined by the government still have some shortcomings. Therefore, the researcher aims to provide alternative learning materials that contain character values. The learning materials are sourced from the results of the analysis of the writing made by Tere Liye, entitled Anak Badai. The results of the description were obtained using the content analysis method and the qualitative approach of content analysis studies. The results of the analysis that the researcher managed to find were 71 character values according to the Ministry of Education, with details: religious character values with a total of 20, honest character values with a total of 2, character values for obeying rules with a total of 4, character values for struggle with a total of 10, creative character values with a total of 1, independent character values with a total of 2, character values for a strong attitude to know something with a total of 12, character values for respecting achievement with a total of 6, friendly or communicative character values with a total of 8, peace-loving character values with a total of 10, social care character values with a total of 10, and responsible character values with a total of 4. The findings data to be used as teaching materials in grade 5 elementary school aims to the effectiveness and student response to the use of learning materials.


Anak Badai Novel; Characters Values; Learning Materials

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