Penerapan Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Make a Match Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas V pada Materi Jenis-Jenis Usaha

Khaerunnisa Khaerunnisa, Ita Rustiati Ridwan


The ever-changing times in the world of education have changed the way teachers teach to be more modern. However, based on initial observations in fifth grade at SDN Bojong there are still teachers who teach only with lectures, even without asking questions to students, it makes students bored, and sleepy and affects student learning outcomes. This requires action, one of which is applying the Make a Match type of Cooperative Learning model. The research was conducted in fifth-grade  SDN Bojong Menteng with a total of 22 students, 7 male students and 15 female students, with the aim of knowing how to apply the Make a Match type of Cooperative Learning model in social studies learning through material types of business in the hope of increasing learning outcomes student. This study uses a qualitative approach with classroom action research methods based on the model from Kemmis and McTagart, each cycle consisting of planning, action, observation and reflection. As well as data collection techniques used are observation, tests and documentation. The results of this study were an increase in teacher teaching activity by 84% in cycle I increase to 96% in cycle II and an increase in student learning activity in cycle I with a percentage of 59.84% increase in cycle II to 86.86%, and an increase in student learning outcomes, at the beginning of the pre-cycle only 31.81%, after the action in cycle I increased to 72.72% and increased again in cycle II to 90.90%. Thus, the application of the Make a Match type of Cooperative Learning model can improve student learning outcomes in social studies learning about the material types of businesses in the fifth grade of SDN Bojong Menteng.


Make a Match; Social Sciences; Learning Outcomes

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