Modifikasi Game Board Balap Kuliner Banten Menggunakan Model ADDIE pada Materi Bangun Datar Kelas IV SD

Arsika Putri, Andika Arisetyawan


Mathematics learning has been taught to students since primary education. However, in reality, learning mathematics is considered as a difficult subject for students to understand. These problems create a lack of interest and enthusiasm for student learning so innovation in mathematics learning based on local culture or ethnomathematics is needed which supports learning to be interesting and fun. This is the background of the development of the Banten Culinary Race Board game as an alternative media for learning mathematics in two-dimensional figures in fourth-grade primary school which is integrated with Banten culture consisting of typical Banten culinary and Lebak batik with Sadulur motifs. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. This study used the ADDIE model which consists of several stages. (1) Analyze stage, conducting an analysis of the teaching materials used by the teacher, the problems that occur in learning and the media used by the teacher. (2) Design stage, making initial product design which consists of lesson plans, teaching materials, learning media, and student worksheets. (3) Development stage, developing product designs that are made at the design stage and validated by educational practitioners. (4) Implementation stage, conducting product trials on 4th grade primary school. (5) Evaluation stage. Based on this, it can be concluded that the teaching materials and learning media for the Banten Culinary Racing Board game are appropriate for use in the learning process of flat shape mathematics for fourth grade of Elementary School and can foster students' interest and enthusiasm for learning mathematics.


Ethnomathematics; Game Board; Learning Media; ADDIE Model

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