Feasibility Study And Business Planning Of Rumahmakan.Online Digital Menu Whatsapp Ordering System

Fanji Lesmana, Dewi Turgarini


Food delivery service business have increased rapidly in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. People use new business model devices in their daily lives. E-commerce/platform of food delivery service is an integrated business system that started from the food provider to the food buyers.  Commonly, the food delivery service platform set the "Cost of Technology" which is added to the calculation of Cost of Good Sold (CoGs/HPP). The cost of service burden the food provider.  Therefore, rumahmakan.online provides solution for food/restaurant providers, who have a personal digital menu. Food buyers can make orders via WhatsApp to the food provider/restaurant's WhatsApp number by using these platforms.



Online Order; Restaurant; Digital Menu; Bisnis Plan; Whatsapp Order

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gastur.v8i1.35847


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