Sustainable Heritage Gastronomic Tourism: A Qualitative Exploration of Ingkung-Guwosari Domestic Tourist Preferences
Many studies have been conducted to describe the various impacts of tourism sector activities. The goal of sustainable gastronomic tourism is to preserve the local gastronomic identity, focusing on its symbolic character, sensory quality, and the uniqueness of dishes and services, in order to enhance the positive impacts of tourism activities on gastronomic cultural identity and mitigate the negative ones. The in-depth interview method was used at Sentra Ingkung Guwosari to capture the gastronomic attribute preferences of local tourists, who are the primary consumers. Tourist preferences serve as a benchmark for the sustainability of Ingkung gastronomic tourism activities. The production lines vary due to business actors' motivations to meet tourists' desires and implement different business strategies through diverse product offerings. NVivo 10 software was employed for descriptive analysis, utilizing the Matrix Coding Query to assess tourist preferences for gastronomic production lines, and the Crosstab Query to identify preferred gastronomic attributes. The findings of this study show that tourists prefer higher authenticity, which is influenced by their culture of origin and cultural experiences. The innovations introduced by business actors often exceed tourists' expectations.. As a result, the preservation of Ingkung's gastronomic identity in Guwosari is at risk. An evaluation of business strategies is needed to produce more positive outcomes, both economically and culturally, by aligning business practices with tourist preferences.
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