Dian Herdiana
Ciamis, 29 Oktober 1979
Perum Pesona Intan Blok F5 No. 10RT/RW 003/011 Desa Sirnajaya Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler Kabupaten Garut (44151)
Phone Number : 08520129001
Training Detail
Year |
Training |
Organizer |
2001 |
Journalism training college freshmen in Java |
HIMA Kombip IKOPIN Jatinangor. |
2004 |
Socialization SK-034 campus electronic reporting system |
Kopertis region 4Jabar–Banten |
2010 |
Training of education personnel : EPSBED operator |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
Training of education personnel : Lecturer workload reporting system |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
2011 |
Training of education personnel: college information system PDPT |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
2012 |
Training of Lecturers : Research Training for young lecturers |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
Training of education personnel /Operator PDPT (databese of college) |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
2013 |
Increase resources training researches and preparationof research proposals for private college lecturer distric se Garut |
STIE YasaAnggana Garut |
2014 |
Technical guidance and evaluation of data validation study program semiannual report on private college |
Dikti – Kopertis region 4 |
2016 |
Editor & reviewer grammar |
Tim Pengembang Jurnal UPI |
Research experience
Year |
Research |
2005 |
The influence of the mass media to the impact of the use of narcotics and illcit drugs among teenagers Senior High School |
Enumerator |
2013 |
Jamkesda, jamkesmas readiness program to BPJS |
Enumerator & preparation of electronics instruments (Team of researches ) |