Effectiveness of Competency and Organizational Culture in Encouraging Sustainable Cooperative Business Growth
This study aims to determine and validate examples derived from several hypotheses and existing theories. This research method is quantitative with a verification type that examines cooperatives consisting of all cooperatives in the city of Bandung that are active and fostered by the Office of Cooperatives and small businesses of West Java Province, using a total of 403 cooperatives with a sample of 80 respondents. This study uses the main data whose data collection uses questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used means the classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis methods. the results of this study explain that there is a significant impact between competency on sustainable business growth, the influence of organizational culture on sustainable business growth. The coefficient of determination of Competency and Organizational Culture is simultaneously 60.3% on Sustainable Struggle Growth, while the remaining 39.7% is the amount of donation given by other variables that are not studied. This study highlights the important role of competency and organizational culture in promoting sustainable business growth in the cooperative sector.
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