The Effect of Jentreng Music Therapy on Increasing The Concentration of Student With Intellectual Disabilities

Puspita Komala, Yuyun Yuniarsih


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of jentreng music therapy on increasing the concentration of students with intellectual disabilities. This study used a qualitative descriptive method for 2 students with intellectual disabilities who have difficulty concentrating at the Special School of Bhakti Mulia 2 Sumedang. The results showed that there was an increase in the concentration ability of mentally retarded students after doing jentreng music therapy. Because jentreng music therapy has a calm character, it can make students calmer in their behavior and increase concentration in the learning process. Jentreng music therapy can be said to affect increasing the concentration ability of students with intellectual disabilities. Jentreng music therapy can be considered by teachers to be used before the learning process begins for students with intellectual disabilities and can be developed for other students with special needs.


Increasing the concentration; Jentreng music therapy; Students with intellectual disabilities

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