Application of the Drill Method in Improving Movement- Building Skills For Cerebral Palsy Children

Fakhri Farid Azhar


This research aims to determine the effect of applying the drill method in improving movement development skills for children with cerebral palsy. Cerebral Palsy is a defect in muscle and nerve function and the cause of the disability lies in the brain. Motor disorders that occur in children with Cerebral Palsy cause children to experience difficulties in carrying out activities that use motor skills, especially children's daily activities, namely helping themselves (Activity Daily Living). Therefore, a learning method is needed, especially related to habituation for Cerebral Palsy children, to train all their limbs. The drill method used is beneficial for children with cerebral palsy because the drill or practice method is also a teaching method that can be used to activate students during the teaching and learning process, because the drill method makes students always practice. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a case study research type. The subject in this research was a 7 year old Cerebral Palsy child with the initials A. This program focuses on the effect of applying the drill method, especially on gross motor aspects. The result of applying this drill method is that the subject experiences an improvement in the motoric aspect.


Cerebral palsy; Drill method; Motoric exercise.

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